Sociedad Ibero-Americana de la Historia de la Fotografia Museo Fotográfico y Archivo Historico "Adolfo Alexander"
 Fórum Yahoo [maquinas russas]


Junior Photo Kit

A very interesting kit made for children with educative purposes. Made by LOMO at the ‘80s.  it is composed of  a camera body with film advance mechanics, a triplet objective, a shutter, a doublet loupe, two empty cassetes for film reespooling, a base with column, a low voltage light source, connecting parts, screws and a screw driver. Everything  contained in a case.

With such device, One can build:

a  Camera,

a  Slide or Negative Viewer,

a  1:1 Reproduction Device,

a  Copy Stand,

an  Enlarger,

a  Projector,

a  Magnifying Loupe for Inspection

Yunior Fotograficheskii Komplekt-2



 Click your browser on , or go back via internet to the main Oddity page, then select the next desired camera to view.
